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  • Sovereignty and asylum: When borders fall and narratives fail –This workshop will involve a panel-style conversation led by Teanau Tuiono and featuring Tracey Barnett and Mengzhu Fu. It will cover challenges to Indigenous sovereignty brought about by the state management of borders and asylum and refugee claims. It aims to address the potential for solidarity between refugee and migrant activism and indigenous sovereignty movements. It is hoped the conversation will help to facilitate discussion and engagement between workshop participants on issues surrounding gender violence, racial discrimination, and settler colonialisms in Aotearoa/New Zealand and Australia.
  • Beyond walls and cages: Dismantling detention and prison – Bringing together refugee and anti-prison activists, this workshop will take the form of a ‘conversation’ between Fadak Alfayadh from RISE, Crystal McKinnon and Emma Russell from Flat Out, and Emilie Rākete from No Pride in Prisons. The session will interrogate the links and tensions between systems of offshore detention and domestic incarceration, including how gender/race/sexuality and Aboriginality shape their operations – but also how resistant movements can mobilise these categories in efforts to bring them down. It aims to build solidarity and forge greater connections between refugee and anti-prison movements.
  • Belonging and Sovereignty: Migrants’ Places in Settler Spaces - This workshop, led by Tauiwi Solutions, will discuss inter-generational views from Pacific and other migrants. The challenges of coping (or not) with institutional and personal racism from the Anglo-Saxon dominant culture leave little energy for supporting attempts by Tangata Whenua o Aotearoa to restore Tino Rangatiratanga. Hopefully, some strategies for new migrants to settle here, with respectful acknowledgement of Tangata Whenua, may be identified.

Workshop limited to 20 participants on first-come first-serve basis. This workshop is specifically focused on Aotearoa New Zealand and especially invites those based here to engage in continuing conversations. Please contact to reserve a place

Logo Design by Mahdis Azarmandi

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